Cistus Essential Oil
The Cistaceae family, Cistus flowers grow on beautiful shrubs. Cistus shrubs are primarily found in the temperate areas of Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Cistaceae family plants grow well on poor soils, found in pine woods, copses, and on dry, typically granitic hills.
Cistus is drought and wind-tolerant, and unfazed by maritime exposure. The plant flowers in June and the seeds ripen in August. It is both bee-pollinated and self-fertile. Cistus essential oil is steam distilled from dried leaves and flowers. The color of Cistus essential oil is clear to yellowish orange. Interesting fact: some big companies sell Cistus essential oil produced from the branches of the shrub, to be able to provide enough supply for the demand. Honest & Pure Cistus essential oil is produced from delicate Cistus flowers and leaves of the plant.
Top Affinities of Cistus essential oil:
Cut/Wound healing
Rectal Fissures
Bleeding (within reason and ability, of course)
Indicated for auto-immune diseases
Antiviral, antibacterial
Neurotonic and regulator of the parasympathetic nervous system
Immune modulator/regulator
Premature uterine contractions
Urinary Infections
Grounding and balancing
Cistus and Helichrysum create a powerful synergy blend for wound healing. I found it very helpful with our kids and make sure to carry it in my purse at all times.
Cistus essential oil is an approved food additive by FDA. For wellness massage: dilute Cistus essential oil with carrier oil. I personally love to use Raspberry seed oil for the massage.
What is Cistus essential oil used for?
For wound healing sprays to balms, rectal fissures (to heal the tissue and serve as an antimicrobial agent), hemorrhoids, bleeding wound/internal bleeding (within reason/ability of course), indicated for auto-immune diseases.
What does Cistus essential oil smell like?
Fresh, crisp, clearing
What does Cistus flower smell like?
Fresh, balsamic, woody, herbaceous and slightly spicy
What can I use instead of Cistus essential oil?
Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile.
Is Cistus the same as labdanum?
Typically, labdanum is when the resin/gum is distilled.
What blends with Cistus essential oil?
Cedarwood, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Cypress, Frankincense, Juniper berry, pine, Rose, Lemon and other citrus oils, Neroli, Petitgrain, sandalwood, Vetiver, Lavender, Patchouli