Essential Oils and the Skin
Everything we place onto our skin has an effect not only on the cells of the skin but potentially on the entire body. Understanding the skin’s structure and function can help in deciding what type of product to apply and what benefit may be gained.
First, lets really think of our skin, how we nourish and feed our skin, food we put in our bodies, products we put on the skin and even how we feel at any given moment. The skin can provide us with information about what is happening internally as well as emotionally. Common conditions such as psoriasis and eczema are often caused by internal conditions. Genetic predispositions, hormonal influences, stress factors, inflammatory pathology, nutritional factors and medication side effects can all play a role in skin problems. Gut health is also super important for skin appearance.
Our skin is the largest organ in the body, it makes up approximately 16 % of the body weight and it is 1.5-2 square meters in area.
Functions of the skin:
- protectsunderlying tissues and organs from chemicals and microbes
- maintainsbody temperature
-synthesizes and stores vitamin D
- protectsthe body from ultraviolet light damage
- stores lipidsin the dermis
- sensory reception: touch, pressure, pain, scent,and temperature
- excretes organic wastes, salt, and water
The skin is sending neurological messages about touch, pressure, scent, pain, and temperature stimuli to the brain. Indeed, sensation is a very important function of the skin. The skin is capable of absorbing fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. The skin can be considered a dynamic organ, ever-changing as old cells fall away and new cells are born. From infancy to adulthood and into old age, the skin changes in its size, shape, qualities, and functions according to the demands placed on it.
5 Layers of Skin:
- Stratum Corneum – outer later which is exposed to the environment and consists of non-living cells composed of keratin protein. Cells are constantly being shed as cells move upward from the lower layers of the epidermis to the surface.
- Stratum Lucidum – thin, varying in thickness, composed of hardened nonliving cells, made of keratin similar to Stratum Corneum.
- Stratum Granulosm – transitional layer in which cells are changing. They are beginning to die, harden, or become keratinized, and have lost significant oil and water content.
- Stratum Spinosum – five to eight layers thick and lost some of its water and oil content. The cells flatten as they rise from the lower part of these layers to the upper part becoming almost tile-like.
- Stratum Germinativum – deepest layer in which cells are cube shaped and they undergo skin reproduction. Skin rejuvenation begins with this layer and many factors such as age and diet will influence the rate of rejuvenation. The average life cycle of each new cell is about five to six weeks.
Keep in mind that any skin treatment aimed at improving the skin will need at least 6 weeks to two months before any real improvements can be expected.
Essential Oils can:
- Reduce inflammation
- Support wound healing
- Treat fungal/bacterial and viral infections
- Relieve itching
- Support healthy scar tissue formation
- Prevent wrinkles and slow aging process
- Support detoxification process
- & more
Core Essential Oils for the Skin:
- Roman Chamomile. Indications: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, broken capillaries, hives, acne, fungal infections, skin ulcers, wounds. Buy Organic Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
- Clary Sage. Indications: eczema caused by stress or anxiety, inflamed skin conditions, mature skin, wrinkles, excessive sebum production, dry itchy skin. Buy Organic Clary Sage Essential Oil
- Cypress. Indications: oily, sweaty skin and feet, broken capillaries, bruises, cellulite. Buy Organic Cypress Essential Oil
- Eucalyptus Globulus. Indications: herpes simplex, shingles, chickenpox, measles, acne, ulcers, wounds, boils, burns, cuts. Buy Organic Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
- Frankincense. Indications: mature skin, wrinkles, scar tissue, postoperative wound healing (once sutures are removed), eczema, acne, inflamed skin conditions, blackheads, hives, soothing to dry irritated skin. Buy Wild Sacred Frankincense Essential Oil
- Geranium. Indications: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, itching, acne, aids detoxing, shingles, ringworm, head lice, dandruff, mouth ulcers, thrush (oral), gum infection, wound healing, abscesses, cellulite, can balance sebaceous gland secretion. Buy Organic Geranium Essential Oil
- Grapefruit. Indications: astringent, oily skin, detoxing. Buy Organic Grapefruit Essential Oil
- Helichrysum. Indications: acne, chronic dermatitis, eczema, scar tissue reduction/to support healthy scar tissue formation, burns, dermal inflammation, cuts and wounds, bruises, radiation burns, Herpes simplex, tissue trauma, broken capillaries, stretch marks, dry itchy skin, varicose veins, rosacea, psoriasis, aging skin. Buy Organic Helichrysum Essential Oil
- Lemon. Indications: acne, boils, oily complexions, mouth ulcers, cellulite, varicose veins (can help to prevent and to prevent them from getting worse), broken capillaries. Buy Organic Lemon Helichrysum Essential Oil
- Patchouli. Indications: astringent, useful in treating aging, sagging skin, itchy or inflamed skin conditions, acne, athlete’s foot, cracked or chapped skin, fungal infections, wrinkles, irritated skin conditions, sores, fissures, scar tissue, fungal or parasitic skin infections, soothing. Buy Organic Patchouli Essential Oil
- Rosemary. Indications: Used in skincare due to its regenerative abilities, also indicated for rosacea, acne, seborrhea (oily skin with congestion), varicose veins. Buy Organic Rosemary Essential Oil
- Tea Tree. Indications: acne, nail fungus, oily skins, abscesses, boils, cold sores, cuts, dandruff, herpes simplex, insect bites, lice, rashes, shingles, infected wounds, varicose ulcers, athlete’s foot, ringworm, inflamed skin conditions, varicose veins, juvenile acne, acne rosacea, prevention of skin radiation burns. Buy Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil
- Ylang Ylang. Indications: oily/combination skin, aging or stressed skin, scalp tonic. Buy Organic Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Written by Lena Isayev, B.A., C.A.