Best Essential Oils for Delivery and Postpartum

In one of my blogs I shared about Essential Oils and Pregnancy. There are many resources on pregnancy but not much out there to be found on delivery and especially postpartum. I believe not many women know how helpful essential oils can be for labor and postpartum recovery.

I think it’s important to note that not all essential oils are the same. Some essential oils are made from plants which were heavily sprayed with pesticides. Also, some companies dilute essential oils with carrier oils, or cheaper similar essential oils. Check out a blog on Quality of Essential Oils to learn more about quality of essential oils.

I was planning on natural birth and did not want to be medically induced. When I was 39 weeks and 3 days, I created a blend of labor inducing essential oils:

12 drops Clary Sage essential oil

10 drops of Clove essential oil

5 drops Cinnamon Bark essential oil          

2 tablespoons of Jojoba oil

I applied this synergy blend to my back, lower abdomen every 1-2 hours to kick start labor and in early labor. I also diffused this synergy blend. Within 48 hours I began having mild contractions. They were 10 minutes apart for 15 hours.  During 15 hours of early labor I was trying to stay active around the house but took naps to feel rested. Within following 6 hours my contractions were 5 minutes apart and I barely had enough time to get to the hospital. Peppermint essential oil was very helpful during final hours of labor, I applied it in low dilution to my lower back for pain every 30 minutes (total of 3 times before I had a baby). Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to turn on the diffuser when I got the hospital during final stage of labor. The plan was to diffuse Wild Lavender, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, and Wild Orange to relax and brighten my mood. Peppermint essential oil can be added for nausea.

Perineal healing mist recipe:

4 oz glass bottle

10 drops Helichrysum essential oil

10 drops Frankincense essential oil

Spray as needed onto the perineum to promote healing and soothe irritated skin. Both Frankincense and Helichrysum are very healing to the skin.

This blend can be applied topads:

Witch hazel oil or Castor oil           

5 drops Wild Lavender essential oil

5 drops Helichrysum essential oil

5 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil

Cracked nipples – coconut is aperfect oil for this!

Postpartum Anxiety and Depression

I had the following blend in mydiffuser 24/7 first four weeks:

2 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

1 drops Geranium essential oil

4 drops Bergamot essential oil

4 drops Lemon essential oil

4 drops Wild Orange essential oil

For Babies:

This blend helps to comfort babies. Apply to the belly as needed.

3 drops Ginger essential Oil

3 drops Sweet Fennel essential oil

3 drops Aniseed essential oil

3 drops Cardamon essential oil

2 drops German Chamomile essential oil

Dilute with Jojoba oil and apply as needed. Recommended dilution:

0.5 % for infants up to 6 months

1% for older babies

Honestly, I added less carrier oil (jojoba oil) for my baby. Her skin is not sensitive and these essential oils are gentle.

For umbilical cord healing: Wild Sacred Frankincense essential oil with Jojoba oil. Apply as needed.

This blend helps babies to sleep:

5 drops Wild Lavender essential oil

3 drops Roman Chamomile essential oil

3 drops Bergamot essential oil

5 drops Wild Sacred Frankincense essential oil

2 drops Geranium essential oil

4 drops Wild Orange essential oil

Dilute with Jojoba oil and apply 30-60 minutes before sleep.

Written by Lena, Isayev, B.A., C. A.


Best Diffuser for Aromatherapy


Peppermint Essential Oil