Elderberry syrup recipe

     As the time of seasonal illnesses approaches, people start to look for an immune system booster. Our body has natural, built-in features that help it fight off different pathogens called immune system. Fighting these pathogens takes energy and can be taxing, so various steps and measures are often recommended to boost the immune system.

     Honest & Pure decided to take a holistic, natural approach to immune system boost measures. We developed out Black Elderberry syrup from certified-organic components and utilized recognized low temperature preparation methods to preserve the nutrients which are naturally present in the plants. Our elderberry syrup recipe was developed in-house, by a certified aromatherapist, and prepared in small batches, which ensures freshness of the product. Our elderberry syrup is packed with flavonoid rich compounds and antioxidants, which are proven to proven to be effective providers of immune-modulating properties. Some of the features of our elderberry syrup are below:

- only certified organic ingredients

- infused with real Madagascar vanilla bean

- made with real raw honey

- made with important immune supporting herbs

- made at low temperature in small batches to preserve vitamins A, C, B6, as well as nutrients such as phosphorus, flavonoid acid and antioxidants

You can make your own simple herbal medicine with the flowers and fruits of the Black Elderberry bush/shrub. According to recent studies elderberries seem to offer an efficient, safe and cost-effective treatment and prevention for influenza. The berries offer antiviral and immune stimulating properties during the cold winter months.


Pour 2 cups of dried elderberries into a pot with 4 cups of boiling water, let it sit overnight. In 12-14 hours pour water and berry mix into the blender. Press well blended mix through a fine mesh sieve: note, it is important to continue stirring the seeds and pressing. It takes a while to press all the juice out.

Simmer the mix in a pan for 1-2 hours until it’s reduced almost by half. Take off the heat. Add one cup of honey to the room-temperature elderberry syrup, stir well. Press the elderberry syrup through cheesecloth. Optional: add 5 drops of organic Lemon essential oil and 5 drops of Wild Orange essential oil. Now you can pour your syrup into sterilized jars.

If you don’t feel like making your own elderberry syrup feel free to order our super strength formula Elderberry syrup infused with Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove and Vanilla.

Written by Lena Isayev, B.A., C.A.


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