Top 10 natural remedies for cold/flu

Honest & Pure Germ Free

The Autumn brings forth its cooler temperatures and richly colored falling leaves, it's a perfect time to enjoy diffusing and blending especially as many people get cold/flu. Below is a list of products and oils well suited for incorporation into your favorite fall blends.

Germ Free

Germ Free is a powerful essential oil blend combination of Clove, Wild Orange, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils. Diffuse for a safe, healthy environment, immune system support and cleansing the air.

Elderberry Syrup

Honest & Pure elderberry

Elderberry syrup is a source of important nutrients for the immune system. People who used elderberry syrup for cold/flu treatment have marked reductions in both the length and severity of their illnesses. Elderberry contains anthocyanin — which, in addition to giving elderberry its characteristic dark purple color, acts as a powerful, anti-inflammatory antioxidant. Elderberries are high in vitamin CThere are 52 mg of vitamin C per cup of fruit, which accounts for 57% of the daily value. Elderberries are high in phenolic acids. These compounds are potent antioxidants that can help reduce damage from oxidative stress in the body. Elderberry has been found to inhibit the growth of bacteria like Helicobacter pylori and may improve symptoms of sinusitis and bronchitis 

Lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil is a good remedy to try for sore throat. I like to take a drop of Lemon essential oil with half of teaspoon of honey as it provides a much faster healing. If the pain is intense add a drop of organic Clove Bud essential oil as it is a great local anesthetic.

Sacred Frankincense essential oil

Sacred Frankincense is a very special essential oil extracted from white hojari resin of Boswellia Sacra tree and was one of three special gifts mentioned in the Bible. Alpha-pinene, Limonene, and Sabinene are the key constituents making it a powerful anti-inflammatory. Sacred Frankincense essential oil may help to boost the immune system, help with inflammation in the throat and lungs. We use Sacred Frankincense in our family to successfully relieve cough, especially at night when it is important for the body to get much needed rest and repair. Sacred Frankincense blended with Peppermint and carrier oil can be applied to feet, back and chest to reduce fever.

Immune Boost Tincture

In time of immune system distress herbs come into rescue. Immune Boost tincture is made with 10 herbs that provide immune system support. In our family we take Immune Boost Tincture once or twice a year as a prevention and have it ready to use in case we get sick with cold/flu, even stomach flu.

Echinacea Glycerite

Echinacea extract made with organic vegetable glycerin supports the healthy function of children’s immune systems. Our kids love the sweet taste of Echinacea Glycerite and even ask for it! It's best to use the whole bottle twice a year for prevention and keep it on the shelf just in case of cold/flu.

Sweet Marjoram essential oil

Many people who love to use essential oils do not pay as much attention to Sweet Marjoram essential oil. Over the years Marjoram essential oil has proven itself to me time and time again as a wonderfully and very helpful essential oil for aches, pain relief, respiratory complaints, emotional support, stress, and anxiety. There is something special about the aroma of Sweet Marjoram but what I love the most is that it provides great pain relief when applied topically to sore throat or tired/aching muscles. Sweet Marjoram is also one of the ingredients in our Migraine Relief Roll-On because of its effectiveness.

Deep Breath

Deep Breath blend is one of the bestsellers. Deep Breath combines over 10 organic essential oils and widely used to help relieve cold/flu symptoms. We mostly diffuse Deep Breath and apply with carrier oil to feet, chest and spine.

Clove Buds

Honest & Pure clove buds
Honest & Pure organic Clove buds

Using organic hand-picked Clove Buds for cold/flu is one of the best wellness discoveries we've made in our family! Several years ago during stressful circumstances I didn't immediately recognize that our daughter was developing a severe sinusitis. She ended up with a swelling under her eye and was advised to take antibiotics. Of course on day three of taking antibiotics she began having stomach issues and we started probiotics.

Ever since then if anyone in our family gets nasal congestion I steep organic dried Clove Buds in a thermos for 2-3 hours. (5-7 buds topped with 1 inch of boiling water). Check to make sure it's not too spicy when using for kids. I put several drops to each nostril, every 2 hours. Usually Clove Buds make a huge difference and the symptoms go away within 1-2 days.

Respire Tea

Breath Easy Tea combines herbs like Licorice, Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Cinnamon to support your entire respiratory system. We use Respire Tea especially to relief cough, especially stubborn cough that won't go away fast.

Written by Lena Isayev, B.A., C.A.



Digestive Comfort


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